W Li , Z Zhang , Z Li , Z Gui , Y Shang* . Correlation and asynchronization of electroencephalogram and cerebral blood flow in active and passive stimulations. Journal of Neural Engineering 20(6), 066007,2023.
X Zhao , G Hao, Y Shang* , J Han*. Three-Dimensional Gradient Metamaterial Devices Coupled with Phononic Crystals for Acoustic Enhancement Sensing. Crystals. 13(8):1191,2023.
S. Feng, Z. Gui, X. Zhang , Y. Shang*, "Collimating micro-lens fiber array for noncontact near-infrared diffuse correlation tomography", Biomedical Optics Express, 12(3), 1467-1481,2021.
J. Bai, Q. Zhu, Y. Liu, Y. Zhou,T. Shi, Z. Gui, Y. Shang*, " PV-MBLL algorithm for extraction of absolute tissue oxygenation information by diffuse optical spectroscopy". Computer methods and programs in biomedicine, 193, 105456, 2020.
X. Zhang, L. Zhai, J. Wang, G. Lou, Y. Shang, Z. Gui, ART-TV algorithm for diffuse correlation tomography blood flow imaging. IEEE Access, 8, 136819-136827,2020.
A. A. Bahrani, W. Kong, Y. Shang,C. Huang ,C. D. Smith, D. K. Powell, & G. Yu, Diffuse optical assessment of cerebral‐autoregulation in older adults stratified by cerebrovascular risk. Journal of Biophotonics, 13(10), e202000073,2020.
J. Zuo, X. Zhang, J. Lu, Z. Gui, Y. Shang*,"Impact of Reconstruction Algorithms on Diffuse Correlation Tomography Blood Flow Imaging", IEEE Access, 8, 31882- 31891, 2020.
H. Ling, Z. Gui, H. Hao, Y. Shang*," Enhancement of diffuse correlation spectroscopy tissue blood flow measurement by acoustic radiation force ", Biomedical Optics Express 11 (1), 301-315,2020.
Y. Zhu, Z. Gui, B. Xue, Y. Shang*,"Experimental Validation of Microvasculature Blood Flow Modeling by Diffuse Correlation Spectroscopy", IEEE Access,8, 15945-15951, 2020.
L. Hou, Y. Liu, L. Qian, Y. Zheng, J. Gao, W. Cao, Y. Shang*, "Portable near-infrared technologies and devices for noninvasive assessment of tissue hemodynamics",Journal of Healthcare Engineering , 2019,3750495,2019.
P. Zhang, Z. Gui, G. Guo, Y. Shang*. Approaches to denoise the diffuse optical signals for tissue blood flow measurement, Biomedical Optics Express, 9(12), 6170-6185,2018.
Y. Shang*, "Advances in Reconstructed Algorithms for Diffuse Correlation Spectroscopy and Tomography", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 506,15-28,2018.
J. Li, W. Han, Y. Li,Y. Chen, Y. Shang, Y Chen, Z. Gui, "Inverse problem based on the fast alternating direction method of multipliers algorithm in multiangle total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy," Applied Optics, 57(33), 9828-34, 2018.
L. Jia, Q. Zhang, Y. Shang, Y. Wang, Y. Liu ; N. Wang, Z. Gui, G.Yang, "Denoising for Low-Dose CT Image by Discriminative Weighted Nuclear Norm Minimization," IEEE Access,6, 46179-93,2018.
N. Wang, Y. Shang, Y. Chen, M. Yang, Q. Zhang, Y. Liu, Z. Gui, “A Hybrid Model for Image Denoising Combining Modified Isotropic Diffusion Model and Modified Perona-Malik Model”, IEEE Access,6, 33568-82,2018.
T. Li, P. Wang,L. Qiu, X. Fang,and Y. Shang, “Optimize Illumination Parameter of Low-Level Laser Therapy for Hemorrhagic Stroke by Monte Carlo Simulation on Visible Human Dataset”, IEEE Photonics Journal,10(3), 6100409 ,2018.
X. Zhang, Z. Gui, Z. Qiao, Y.Liu, and Y. Shang*, Nth-order linear algorithm for diffuse correlation tomography, Biomedical Optics Express, 9(5), 2365-2382,2018.
J. Guo, Z. Gui, H. Hou, Y. Shang*, “Flexible positioning of source-detector arrays in 3D visualization platform for Monte Carlo simulation of light propagation,” IEEE Access,5,26673-80,2017.
S. Luo, X. Shen, X. Bai, J. Bai, J. Han,and Y. Shang*, “Validation of material algorithms for femur remodelling Using Medical Image Data”, Applied Bionics and Biomechanics,2017, 5932545, 2017.
Y. Shang, T. Li, G. Yu, "Clinical applications of near-infrared diffuse correlation spectroscopy and tomography for tissue blood flow monitoring and imaging," Physiological Measurement, 1361-6579, 2017.
C. Huang, D. Irwin, M. Zhao, Y. Shang, N. Agochukwu, L. Wong, G. Yu, "Noncontact 3-dimensional Speckle Contrast Diffuse Correlation Tomography of Tissue Blood Flow Distribution", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,2017.
L. Dong, M. Kudrimoti, D. Irwin, L. Chen, S. Kumar, Y. Shang, C. Huang, E. Johnson, S. Stevens, B. Shelton, G. Yu, “Diffuse optical measurements of head and neck tumor hemodynamics for early prediction of chemo-radiation therapy outcomes,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 21(8), 085004,2016.
B. Henry, M. Zhao, Y. Shang, et al. “Hybrid diffuse optical techniques for continuous hemodynamic measurement in gastrocnemius during plantar flexion exercise” Journal of Biomedical Optics 20(12), 125006,2015.
C. Huang, D. Irwin, Y. Lin, Y. Shang, L. He, W. Kong, J. Luo, G. Yu, “Speckle contrast diffuse correlation tomography of complex turbid medium flow,” Medical Physics, 42(7), 4000,2015.
C. Huang, J. P. Radabaugh, R. K. Aouad, Y. Lin, T. J. Gal, A. B. Patel, J. Valentino, Y. Shang, G. Yu, “Noncontact Diffuse Optical Assessment of Blood Flow Changes in Head and Neck Free Tissue Transfer Flaps,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 20(7), 075008,2015.
Y. Shang and G. Yu, “A Nth-order linear algorithm for extracting diffuse correlation spectroscopy blood flow indices in heterogeneous tissues,” Applied Physics Letters, 105, 133702,2014.
Y. Shang, T. Li, L. Chen, Y. Lin, M. Toborek, G. Yu, “Extraction of diffuse correlation spectroscopy flow index by integration of Nth-order linear model with Monte Carlo simulation,” Applied Physics Letters, 104, 193703,2014.
Y. Hou*, Y. Shang*, R. Cheng, Y. Zhao, Y. Qin, R. Kryscio, A. Rayapati, D. Hayes Jr, G. Yu, “Obstructive sleep apnea–hypopnea results in significant variations in cerebral hemodynamics detected by diffuse optical spectroscopies,” Physiological Measurement, 35, 2135,2014. *Contributed equally
R. Cheng, Y. Shang, S. Wang, J. M. Evans, A. Rayapati, D.C. Randall, G. Yu, “Near-infrared diffuse optical monitoring of cerebral blood flow and oxygenation for the prediction of vasovagal syncope”, Journal of Biomedical Optics 19(1), 017001,2014.
Y. Lin, C. Huang, D. Irwin, L. He, Y. Shang, G. Yu, “Three-dimensional flow contrast imaging of deep tissue using noncontact diffuse correlation tomography,” Applied Physics Letters, 104(12), 121103,2014.
Y. Shang, Y. Lin, B.A. Henry, R. Cheng, C. Huang, L. Chen, B.J. Shelton, K.R. Swartz, S.S. Salles, G. Yu, “Noninvasive Evaluation of Electrical Stimulation Impacts on Muscle Hemodynamics via Integrating Diffuse Optical Spectroscopies with Muscle Stimulator,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 18(10), 105002,2013.
L. He, Y. Lin, Y. Shang, B. Shelton, G. Yu, “Using optical fibers with different modes to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of diffuse correlation spectroscopy (DCS) flow-oximeter measurements,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 18(3), 037001,2013.
T. Li, Y. Lin, Y. Shang, L. He, C. Huang, M. Szabunio, G. Yu, “Simultaneous measurement of deep tissue blood flow and oxygenation using noncontact diffuse correlation spectroscopy flow-oximeter,” Scientific Reports, 3, 1358,2013.
L. Dong, L. He, Y. Lin, Y. Shang, G. Yu, “Simultaneously extracting multiple parameters via fitting one single autocorrelation function curve in diffuse correlation spectroscopy”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 60(2), 361-368, 2013.
R. Srikuea, T. B. Symons, D. E. Long, J. Lee, Y. Shang, P. J. Chomentowski, G. Yu, L. J. Crofford, C. A. Peterson, “Association of fibromyalgia with altered skeletal muscle characteristics which may contribute to postexertional fatigue in postmenopausal women,” Arthritis & Rheumatism, 65(2),519-28,2013.
R. C. Mesquita, M. Putt, M. Chandra, G. Yu, X. Xing, S. W. Han, G. Lech, Y. Shang, T. Durduran, C. Zhou, A. G. Yodh, E. R. Mohler, III, “Diffuse optical characterization of an exercising patient group with peripheral artery disease,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 18(5), 057007,2013.
Y. Shang, K. Gurley, G. Yu, “Diffuse Correlation Spectroscopy (DCS) for Assessment of Tissue Blood Flow in Skeletal Muscle: Recent Progress,” Anatomy & Physiology, 3(2), 1000128, 2013.
Y. Shang, K. Gurley, B. Symons, D. Long, R. Srikuea, L. J. Crofford, C. A. Peterson, G. Yu, “Noninvasive optical characterization of muscle blood flow, oxygenation, and metabolism in women with fibromyalgia”, Arthritis Research & Therapy, 14, R236,2012.
R. Cheng, Y. Shang, D. Hayes, S.P. Saha, G.Yu, “Noninvasive optical evaluation of spontaneous low frequency oscillations in cerebral hemodynamics,” NeuroImage, 62(3), 1445-1454 ,2012.
K. Gurley, Y. Shang, and G. Yu, “Noninvasive optical quantification of absolute blood flow, blood oxygenation, and oxygen consumption rate in exercising skeletal muscle,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 17(7), 075010 ,2012.
Y. Lin, L. He, Y. Shang, G. Yu, “Noncontact diffuse correlation spectroscopy for noninvasive deep tissue blood flow measurement,” Journal of Biomedical Optics, 17, 010502 ,2012.
L. Chen, Y. Shang, E. Sipos, K. E. Saatman, G. Yu, M Toborek, “Novel experimental model for repeated forebrain ischemia-reperfusion” Journal of Experimental Stroke and Translational Medicine, 5(1), 1-10, 2012.
N. Munk, B. Symons, Y. Shang, R. Cheng, and G. Yu, "Noninvasively measuring the hemodynamic effects of massage on skeletal muscle: a novel hybrid near-Infrared diffuse optical instrument," Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 16(1), 22-28, 2012).
L. Dong, M. Kudrimoti, R. Cheng, Y. Shang, E. L. Johnson, S. D. Stevens, B. J. Shelton, and G. Yu, “Noninvasive diffuse optical monitoring of head and neck tumor blood flow and oxygenation during radiation delivery,” Biomedical Optics Express, 3(2), 259-272,2012.
Y. Shang, L. Chen, M. Toborek, and G. Yu, "Diffuse optical monitoring of repeated cerebral ischemia in mice," Optics Express, 19(21), 20301-20315, 2011.
Y. Shang, R. Cheng, L. Dong, S.J. Ryan, S.P. Saha, and G. Yu, "Cerebral monitoring during carotid endarterectomy using near-infrared diffuse optical spectroscopies and electroencephalogram", Physics in Medicine and Biology 56(10), 3015-32, 2011.
G. Yu, Y. Shang, Y. Zhao, R. Cheng, L. Dong, and S.P. Saha, "Intraoperative evaluation of revascularization effect on ischemic muscle hemodynamics using near-infrared diffuse optical spectroscopies," Journal of Biomedical Optics 16(2), 027004,2011.
D. Irwin, L. Dong, Y. Shang, R. Cheng, M. Kudrimoti, S.D. Stevens, and G. Yu, "Influences of tissue absorption and scattering on diffuse correlation spectroscopy blood flow measurements," Biomedical Optics Express 2, 1969-1985, 2011.
Y. Shang, T. B. Symons, T. Durduran, A. G. Yodh, and G. Yu, "Effects of muscle fiber motion on diffuse correlation spectroscopy blood flow measurements during exercise," Biomedical Optics Express 1, 500-511, 2010.
Y. Shang, Y. Zhao, R. Cheng, L. Dong, D. Irwin, and G. Yu, "Portable optical tissue flow oximeter based on diffuse correlation spectroscopy," Optics Letters 34, 3556-3558,2009.
Y. Shang, J. Bai and L. Peng, "The effects of the spatial influence function on orthotropic femur remodeling," Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H - Journal of Engineering in Medicine 222 (5), 601-609,2008.
Y. Shang, J. Bai, L. Peng and J. Lau, "Comparison of methods for determining orthotropic axes in 3D femur remodeling," Progress in Natural Science 17 (12), 1405-1411, 2007.